My style of treatment is sometimes referred to as technical eclecticism or integrated psychotherapy. While many therapists stick to one specific therapeutic modality, I look at various ways of integrating diverse theories and techniques based on the individual client.

My approach to therapy is holistic, focusing on the individual as a whole, assessing all aspects of the person, appreciating ways in which these aspects work in a synergistic fashion. We work together to determine our action plan and explore biological, psychological, social, spiritual, and environmental factors that may be out of balance and/or holding us back. If needed, I may suggest adjunct treatments providing referrals within a network of qualified professionals I know and trust.


Based on your needs and mutually set goals I integrate from among several proven effective modalities such as: behavioral, cognitive behavioral, Gestalt, psychoanalytic/psychodynamic, mindfulness, experiential, imago.


Behavioral theory believes that all behavior is learned through reinforcement and imitation and can be unlearned and/or replaced though conditioning and repetition. Much of what is considered abnormal behavior is seen as the result of faulty learning.


CBT is one of the most common modalities used by therapists today as it is very measurable and there is a great deal of research data to support its effectiveness. CBT grew out of behaviorism; the premise is that cognitions (thoughts) are the major determinants of how we feel and our behavior. A persons belief system is primary and ones internal dialogue plays a central role in their behavior.


In this experiential approach the focus is on the connection of mind, body and spirit in present moment awareness. While practicing mindfulness does not align us with any religion, It is derived from a time tested spiritual context and makes use of eastern breathing techniques and meditation. Staying grounded in the present makes for a calmer more mindful path through life, helps access our inner intuitive wisdom and make better choices. It is possible to view our thoughts and feel our emotions more objectively.


The focus is on bringing the unconscious into consciousness. Unconscious energy and early experience drive our development and are centrally related to current behavior. Through talking uncover conflicts and gain insight into current behavior as it relates to the past.


By learning conscious dialogue, communication and empathy, interpersonal conflict becomes an opportunity for growth as stored unconscious energy is triggered in the present through interpersonal interaction. Through inner child exploration one can gain insight into the unconscious lens through which interpersonal relationships are filtered. This is a very effective approach to couples therapy, however its concepts are relevant to all relationships.

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